Cumnock Living Memory Group

About Cumnock Living Memory Group

Cumnock Living Memory Group – or CUMLIMEG – started off as a small group of seniors, men and women, none of whom originated in Cumnock but who have all lived here for many years.

The history of the group began in 1995 when they first came together as a reminiscence group. Gradually the group began to record their memories in print, on tape, and on video.

They are delighted to see Cumnock History Group carrying on from where they left off and wish them every success.

CHG Events

We meet monthly and usually have a guest presentation.

Cumnock People & Places

Simple School Gala days were organised in the early 20th century and the first Cumnock Carnival was staged in 1946 as part of the Victory celebrations in Cumnock and was so successful that it became an annual event in June or July every year.

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