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18 entries.
Betty McGee Houston wrote on January 22, 2022
Born and raised in Cumnock. Lived in Urbana Terrace, moved to Nan’s Terrace. Attended Cumnock Academy
Born and raised in Cumnock.
Lived in Urbana Terrace, moved to Nan’s
Terrace. Attended Cumnock Academy... Collapse
Terrence T McGee wrote on January 13, 2022
Grew up in the small coal mining town of Century, West Virginia, USA. One of my closest friends father went to school in Old Cumnock, Scotland. His family was from Lithuania, but they lived in Old Cumnock prior to coming to the USA. His name was Levonas Zelenskis, but we called him Scotty because of his strong Scotish accent. He was born in 1908. I am not sure if he was born in Lithuania or Scotland. Scotty had a very successful life and his children also achieved success. Curious if anyone remembers the name Zelenskis, or perhaps can locate information on the Zelenskis family. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Grew up in the small coal mining town of Century, West Virginia, USA. One of my closest friends father went to school in Old Cumnock, Scotland. His family was from Lithuania, but they lived in Old Cumnock prior to coming to the USA. His name was Levonas Zelenskis, but we called him Scotty because of his strong Scotish accent. He was born in 1908. I am not sure if he was born in Lithuania or Scotland. Scotty had a very successful life and his children also achieved success. Curious if anyone remembers the name Zelenskis, or perhaps can locate information on the Zelenskis family. Thank you for any help you can provide.... Collapse
Alex Rutherford wrote on December 20, 2021
Hi Kay thanks for that it looks a lot more acurate.
Hi Kay thanks for that it looks a lot more acurate.... Collapse
Alex Rutherford wrote on December 18, 2021
Hi my name is Alexander Rutherford, there is an entry for my father Joseph Rutherford, born 1919/died 2004 Skares Rows, I can say he was not a ice cream merchant, his cousin was also called Joseph Rutherford, he was the ice cream merchant from Ochiltree, my father was married to Pearl Smith, which she died with her second baby in childbirth, I remember she was called that and they had one other son my step brother, his name Edward Rutherford, Edward died of a stroke aprox 1980 33 years old, my father remaried in the 1950s to my mother Helen Morrison/Rutherford, and they lived down the Gleb 18McDonald ST my mother died 2019.
Hi my name is Alexander Rutherford, there is an entry for my father Joseph Rutherford,
born 1919/died 2004 Skares Rows, I can say he was not a ice cream merchant, his cousin
was also called Joseph Rutherford, he was the ice cream merchant from Ochiltree,
my father was married to Pearl Smith, which she died with her second baby in childbirth,
I remember she was called that and they had one other son my step brother, his name
Edward Rutherford, Edward died of a stroke aprox 1980 33 years old, my father remaried in the 1950s
to my mother Helen Morrison/Rutherford, and they lived down the Gleb 18McDonald ST my mother died 2019.... Collapse
Keith Ferguson wrote on December 10, 2021
My Grt Grandfather John McLetchie was b. Old Cumnock, 1833 son of snuff box dealer, Robert McLetchie, was shipwrecked on his 1st attempt to migrate to Australia on the 'Tayleur' in 1854. Do any others recall this event or family?
My Grt Grandfather John McLetchie was b. Old Cumnock, 1833 son of snuff box dealer, Robert McLetchie, was shipwrecked on his 1st attempt to migrate to Australia on the 'Tayleur' in 1854. Do any others recall this event or family?... Collapse
james gordon wrote on November 15, 2021
james gordon...granny gordon lived at 26 gemmel avenue..there was a "monkey puzzle " tree and a drinking 🍸fountain ⛲
james gordon...granny gordon lived at 26 gemmel avenue..there was a "monkey puzzle " tree and a drinking 🍸fountain ⛲... Collapse
james gordon wrote on November 12, 2021
i was born at 34 glencairn..we lived at 18 netherthird road and 94 elizabeth crescent..we moved to yorkshire in july 1964
i was born at 34 glencairn..we lived at 18 netherthird road and 94 elizabeth crescent..we moved to yorkshire in july 1964... Collapse
Lisa Newlands wrote on August 11, 2021
Love this. My gran Agnes steeled was born in bank avenue. Then moved to Stewarton. Where I grew up. I stayed briefly in wylie crescent. Cumnock has always felt home even though its not, I must have Cumnock blood. Thanks for sharing the history
Love this. My gran Agnes steeled was born in bank avenue. Then moved to Stewarton. Where I grew up. I stayed briefly in wylie crescent. Cumnock has always felt home even though its not, I must have Cumnock blood. Thanks for sharing the history... Collapse
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